17th May 2024

5 Essential Tips for Glossy Hair

5 Essential Tips for Glossy Hair

From the dawn of time, shiny, glossy looking hair has been the desired appearance for men and women alike. An indication of good health, vitality, and investment in self-care, glossy hair is well moisturized and undamaged. When hair shines, it means that the cuticles are smooth and lie flat, reflecting the light in a way that is visually and aesthetically pleasing.

Celebrities and public figures are rarely seen sporting poorly styled, dull locks. This influences consumer preferences and perceptions, teaching us that glossy hair is aspirational, and a symbol of success. Age is also a key factor in the attraction of glossy hair, as we get older hair naturally becomes drier, fading to shades of silver and grey.

Hair must be kept in top condition to appear glossy in appearance. Here, we explore five of the top tips to achieving super shiny locks:


In order to achieve glossy hair, you need to limit the amount of heat applied to your locks. If you’re a veteran of the straightener, or a curling tong warrior, it’s time to take a break from the hot tools and embrace your natural texture. High temperatures cause the moisture from within your hair shaft to evaporate, leading to brittle strands. This damages the protective outer layer, causing it to lift and crack, roughening the surface of the strands and reducing shine. Even washing your hair in hot temperatures can negatively impact the structure of the hair!


Always use protectant products prior to heat-styling your hair. Ensure every strand is coated to minimize potential damage. Experiment with heatless hairstyles. Cold water rinses whilst shampooing and conditioning your locks are essential to lock in moisturizing ingredients from your products. Cooler temperatures also reduce colour fading from dyes and toners.

2.Wash Routine

Maintaining healthy hair is key to achieving a shiny, glossy appearance. This means devoting extra time, effort, and attention to your hair wash routine, using salon standard products and innovative techniques. Be aware if you live in an area with hard water, your hair may not be benefitting from your product’s full potential. Mineral build up on the hair shaft can prevent moisturizing ingredients from penetrating the hair shaft. This can lead to frizz, tangling and poor manageability.


Double shampooing with a clarifying product will remove product and mineral build up on the hair shaft. Follow up with a deep treatment hair mask and nourishing conditioner for replenishing hydration. Avoid products with harsh ingredients, focussing on natural oils instead. For those of us unlucky enough to live in areas with hard water, you may need to invest in a shower filter.


Taking a holistic approach to your hair health may be the best way to achieve shiny, glossy hair. Your diet and lifestyle contribute to your appearance more than you may realise. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet and drinking 2 litres of water a day help to improve your overall health and wellness which positively impacts your scalp and hair.


Ensure your diet contains enough protein, as deficiencies can lead to weak, brittle hair. Omega 3 and healthy fats keep your hair and skin moisturized, reducing dryness and promoting shine. Drinking enough water regulates your circulatory system to stimulate hair growth.


A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy, glossy hair, fostering a better environment for hair growth and strength. When your scalp is healthy, it efficiently circulates blood, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots. Keeping your scalp clean and paying attention to maintaining balanced sebum production will give your locks their desired sheen.


It may be considered simple, but brushing your hair properly is vital for scalp and hair health. Using a soft bristle boar brush will help distribute the natural oils from your scalp to the rest of your hair, to lock in moisture throughout the shaft. Scalp massaging with your fingers or a wide tooth comb encourages blood flow and stimulates the follicles at the root. If you suffer from a dry flaky scalp, it could be a sign of eczema or psoriasis. It’s important to see your doctor or qualified health professional in these circumstances.


If your hair is lacking the thickness, volume, or length you desire to achieve your shiny, glossy hair goals, you may consider using hair extensions. Transform your locks from drab to fab with our Remy extensions, with a wide range of products to suit all preferences. Remy hair extensions are made from natural human hair, with all the cuticles flowing in the same direction for maximum softness and shine.


Explore our Clip In, Tape In, Volumizer and Ponytail extensions today!